About Us

Trust owl mountain renovators for your remodeling & handyman projects.

Preparing to sell your home or settling into a new one? You likely have a list of fixes and improvements in mind.

Whether it's minor upgrades, significant home enhancements, or those often-overlooked tasks, consider them done when you choose us.

Our team of multi-skilled craftsmen not only tackle your specific needs but alleviates the stress associated with persistent repairs and tasks.

Let Owl Mountain Renovators bring your home transformation dreams to life.

When you don't know hoo to call.

Serving the Tennessee Valley

From Huntsville, AL to Fayetteville, TN and all surrounding areas, we're here to help North Alabama and Southern Tennessee.

We love odd jobs

These days it's hard to find help with those little, nagging issues around your home. Let us handle your entire to-do list from small to big tasks.

One call fixes it all

Why waste your time calling half a dozen repair services when you can contact us to handle all your jobs in one provider - and only one place to pay!

Why us


Years of experience


Successful projects a year


Customer satisfaction

Schedule a consult


  • Do you mount TVs?

    Yes, we can mount one or more televisions just about any place you want it. Don't waste your valuable time, let us hang it right for less.

  • Do you offer junk removal?

    Yes, call us today and we'll get rid of those unwanted items for you in a hurry. Why spend your time dealing with the landfill?

  • Can you handle a full kitchen remodel?

    Yes, whether it's a small job or a full renovation, trust us to get the job done right and how you want it. 

  • Can you mount ceiling fans?

    Yes, we can come in and remove your old one and replace it with a new one or handle all-new installs throughout your home. 

Our Latest News & Tips

image of parts used to hang a TV
27 Sep, 2023
A professional handyman installer better handles mounting a large flat screen TV. Find out why.
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